How to Learn New Vocabulary


Thank you very much to @putrisyarifahd for the question: "How to learn vocabulary?"

Let's start by saying that learning any language can be difficult at times, so let's start by making it as enjoyable as possible, including when it comes to learning vocabulary!

First, what apps are recommended to memorize vocabulary?
When I asked this question in my community, some people also recommended to use the "anki" app or the quizzlet website



Other than apps, one of the main things that you might want to do is to incorporate new words in your daily life.

For example, let's say you want go to the super to buy some food, then you can do the following:
Create a list of the items that you want to buy. On the front page, write the list in Japanese (kanji + hiragana + romaji), then on the other side have the translations.

For example if you love to buy milk, I'm pretty sure you will learn, very quick, the word:
牛乳 「ぎゅうにゅう」= milk
魚 「さかな」= fish

Another thing that you might want to do is keeping a journal in Japanese. It doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as writing sentences like:

Today was rainy. 「今日は雨でした」
I always drink coffee 「いつもコーヒーを飲みます」

And then, by doing so, you will learn the vocabulary that you use on a daily basis.
Also, the journal doesn't even have to be about yourself. It can be about topics that you like, like sports, or politics or anime. Anything that you feel passionate about.
Then, as I always mention, you can always include music, or dramas or anime or news, something that gives that audit practice.
With podcasts for example you can listen to it first and see how much you understood, then read the manuscript and verify what you learned.

Then you might say, how about if you need to study the vocabulary for an exam like the JLPT?. 
I would tell you to do pretty much the same thing. Try to write sentences with this new vocabulary and also read the new words in context. It is way easier to learn something in context.
For example, if the new words is book "hon", it will be more helpful to you to learn

This is a book これは本です
than to learn the word "book" by itself. 

Now I have a personal example. Something that happened to me the other day is that I was studying for my N2 and I found a paragraph about "business cards" 

「名刺交換 = めいしこうかん」

What I ended up doing was looking about the topic in other websites and I even created a post about it in my instagram account. That way, every now and then I look at the post and I remember about it.

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